How to protect yourself from coronavirus (aka COVID19).
The risk of getting coronavirus is higher if you had contact with an infected person. We touch many surfaces by hand and can pick up viruses. Once corrupted, hands can transfer the virus to you. So, to protect yourself from coronavirus, please avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly – in warm water, with soap, at least 20 seconds. Soap kills bacteria and can protect from coronavirus and other bacteria. If there is no access to water and soap, use alcohol-based hand sanitizes. As much as possible, try to avoid public places.
If possible, do not use public transport, the subway, do not visit crowded shopping centers, airports, museums, and so on. Take special precautions for the elderly, people with weak immune systems, and overall poor health. They should stay safe in their environments. If you are or know someone in this area, get or deliver groceries, and don’t go out into large crowds. The death rate of COVID of these groups is 80+ or poor health is 14.5% and 50s 1.3% 40s- 0.4% and 10-39- 0.2%
Protect yourself and people around you from coronavirus.
To protect people around you from coronavirus, stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention (call in advance). Follow the directions of your local health authority. National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to direct you to the right health facility quickly. It will also protect you and help prevent the expanse of COVID and other infections.
Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.
Face masks don’t do much to protect you .
Most surgical masks are too loose to prevent inhalation of the virus. The World Health Organization does not recommend face masks if you’re healthy. But if you’re a health care worker or are caring for sick people at home or in a health care facility, you should wear one to protect yourself. If you’re infected, masks can help virus spread/infecting others with COVID coronavirus.

To prevent the virus spread of the infection, use individual tableware, cups, bottles, and hygiene products. A personal water bottle is recommended and easy to care around. Bubi bottles tested and approved by an internationally accredited agency. These silicone water bottles are the safest available, and it does not contain any dangerous heavy metals. It’s microbial free and microwavable. Bubi bottles have special Replacement Retainer and Thread Sets, which come apart, and it’s easy to take off and wash manually or in a dishwasher. Turn the bottle inside out to scrub it.
- Having individual bottle will prevent the risk of virus infection and virus spread. You will always be sure that your bottle is clean, and the mouthpiece does not contain bacteria. In the public cafe, restaurants, and even in the friend’s house, make sure you drink from your individual bottle. We never know how good (or bad) they clean their cups, plates, and silverware. During this COVID coronavirus epidemic, let’s do as much as we can do to protect ourselves.
Why is coronavirus dangerous?
Coronavirus has high mutagenicity. It means that coronavirus can quickly adapt to the external environment and mutate. According to The Guardian, 114 thousand people are infected from coronavirus by 03/10/2020 and 4000 death, recovered 64000. In contrast, the USA has 729 cases, 29 deaths, and 15 recovered cases. That’s why it important to protect yourself from coronavirus and prevent the virus spread.
Also, coronavirus is dangerous because it has a particular way of penetration into cells, which reduces the effectiveness of the usual protection of cell membranes against viruses. Coronaviruses do not penetrate the cell membrane in arbitrary places, like many other viruses.
The “corona” of coronaviruses COVID serves to attack transmembrane cell receptors by imitating S-proteins attached to the “corona” molecules, which are essential for the life of cells, which also complicates the recognition of the virus by the immune system since the corona of the virus imitates substances useful to the body.
Coronavirus mutation. How to protect yourself from coronavirus.
The new 2019-nCoV coronavirus mutation uses the coronal S-protein to attach the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) to the receptor, as does the SARS-CoV virus (SARS). The difference between 2019-nCoV and SARS-CoV is that it is more stable and more easily attached to the receptor, that is, it is more contagious but less fatal than SARS in terms of mortality.
Coronavirus 2019-nCoV is a type of coronavirus that provokes the development of pneumonia in infected people. The new COVID-19 coronavirus is a type of SARS virus that has led to the death of 1000 people as a result of infection. Symptoms of the Chinese coronavirus resemble the flu or the common cold – general malaise, cough, fever. According to the observations of Chinese doctors, older people, and people with weakened immunity are especially vulnerable to the virus. The incubation period is from one to 14 days, and at this time, the risk of infection with the coronavirus remains. Due to the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the COVID 19 virus in China, airport staff began to measure the temperature of passengers regularly.
Respiratory masks are recommended in other countries as another precaution designed to counter the spread of the virus; however, many countries, like the USA, recommend the masks only when ill or infected to stop the spread. Coronavirus can cause both mild colds and severe respiratory infections, including Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
Common symptoms of coronavirus infection:
Respiratory symptoms, such as shortness of breath, high fever, coughing. In severe cases, coronavirus COVID can cause:
Pneumonia, renal failure, death.
Those who have been infected with the new Chinese coronavirus first developed a fever, cough, feeling tired, loss of appetite, muscle pain, general malaise, and sometimes diarrhea, shortness of breath, and later developed pneumonia. Taking antibiotics to protect yourself from coronavirus are useless in treating a virus infection.
How to treat coronavirus
There is no specific treatment for coronavirus at this time. Therefore, the best you can do is minimize the risk of infection and virus spread. Like the other viral infections, coronavirus is treated symptomatically. Rest, drink tea, painkillers, and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
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